TCH qualifies as an eligible charity to whom contributions may be made and the donor receives a direct credit (better than a deduction) on their Arizona State Income tax.  Pursuant to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, donors can make a gift up to $470 as an individual or $938 when filing jointly.

AZ DOR Tax Credit QCO Code 20389

Deadline to donate has been extended to April 15th.

For More information contact Dawn Hocking 480-730-4221.

Do i have to itemize to claim Charitable Tax Credits?

You do not have to itemize deductions to claim a credit for contributions.

Can I take the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit if I take the School Tax Credit and Foster Care Tax Credit?

Yes, they are separate credits and you are allowed to take advantage of any or all.

Does the tax credit also apply to my federal income tax returns?

No. The Charitable Tax Credit applies only on your Arizona State income tax. However, you may be able to claim a federal tax deduction for the amount donated.

How do I know TCH qualifies for the credit under this program?

Qualifying organizations are required to send the Department of Revenue a self-certification letter stating that they meet all qualifying criteria. The Department in turn publishes a list of self-certified organizations. You can request a list from Department of Revenue in Phoenix at 602.255.3381 or you can go to the Arizona Department of Revenue website at

Please Note:

TCH is not a tax advisor. Please contact a qualified tax advisor for advice on your personal tax situation.

You can change the life of someone with a disability.

People like you are changing lives by supporting programs that improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Your donation will directly support programs and projects that improve the lives of the individuals we support.

In-kind Donations welcome.

We would greatly appreciate donations for any of the below items:

  • Gift Cards to Dollar Tree
  • Sweatpants (Medium or Large) Black or Blue
  • Fuzzy Socks
  • Glue Sticks
  • Construction Paper
  • Other art supplies
  • Flavored Lip Balm
  • Games
  • Books
  • Puzzles
  • Kitchen utensils
  • And much more (contact Dawn Hocking at 480-730-4221 to see how you can help)

Any donation can be brought to the front desk at 215 W Lodge Dr., Tempe, AZ 85283

Thank you for your support! A confirmation/thank you letter will be sent for your records.

Fry’s Community Rewards Program

Organization Number: MQ148


We welcome volunteers for all types of projects.  We can do one time projects or ongoing, large groups, small groups or one on one.

Activities may include:

  • Adopting a group home during the holidays
  • Light maintenance/landscape projects
  • Join the annual fundraising committee (The TCH Monster Mash)
  • Activity with the clients (BBQ, art project, dance, etc.)

And much more:  We will work with you and/or your group to incorporate your interests and group size to create a project that is meaningful.

For volunteer opportunities please contact Dawn Hocking at (480) 730-4221


TCH offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for our supported individuals. Below is a list of our current volunteer enclaves both on TCH’s Tempe campus and off site.